God Really Isn’t Either Female or Male

Divinely Designed
5 min readJun 13, 2024

The Divine Feminine is really just a call for balance and restoration in our spiritual, mystical and material lives.

Let’s talk about the Divine Feminine, Goddess energy, and tapping into those influences in your magic practices.

Life is about balance — one thing happens, something else reacts. The most powerful thing we deal with a day to day basis is the Earth itself — the planet we live upon. Just like everything else, life on Planet Earth is a balancing act. In many ways its like a delicate chemical composition and all the ingredients have to be just so in order to sustain life for us and all the animal and plant life that live here. If you bake a cake and you put too much baking soda in it, it’s going to rise too high and burn the top, and taste bitter. If you put too much flour in, it’s going to be heavy and tasteless.

The Divine Feminine is really just a call for balance and restoration in our spiritual, mystical and material lives. We have to equal out the things that shift us out of focus and out of power, so that we can manifest at our best.

But God itself — or the Divine Source — is also equally masculine and feminine. Many magic practitioners will refer to God as She or Her, knowing that God really isn’t either…

